Complete Cahiers Series
- You can now order our full Cahiers Series, 41 cahiers in total, complete with out-of-print volumes such as:
- Cahier 1 Translating Music by Richard Pevear
- Cahier 2 Walking on Air by Muriel Spark
- Cahier 5 Proust, Blanchot and a Woman in Red by Lydia Davis
- Cahier 8 When the Pie Was Opened by Paul Muldoon
- Cahier 11 In the Thick of Things by Vincen Cornu
- Cahier 12 Lost and Found by Alison Leslie Gold
- Cahier 13 Ballade Nocturne by Gao Xingjian
- Cahier 14 Animalinside by László Krasznahorkai & Max Neumann
- Cahier 16 Writing Beckett's Letters by George Craig
- Cahier 17 A Labour of Moles by Ivan Vladislavic
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